About Us
Wa-En Kappo is a Japanese fine-dining restaurant in Sheung Wan that offers authentic Japanese Kappo cuisine dining experience with a 270-degree Victoria Harbour sea view like no other in Hong Kong.
Wa-En Kappo specialises in traditional Japanese Kappo cuisine, one of the finest and most established cuisines in Japan where the chef demonstrates numerous ways of traditional Japanese cooking methods, understanding of food seasonality, the harmony between ingredients and presentation techniques. Wa-En Kappo is named after the Japanese characters for “harmony” and “relationship,” a belief and reminder for everyone to cherish all the special moments that come their way. To uphold this belief, Wa-En Kappo not just focuses on premium and seasonal quality ingredients from Japan, but also blends in different high-quality ingredients sourced globally including Hong Kong with an innovative twist, creating infinite possibilities in harmony in Kappo cuisine.
Nestled in Connaught Marina, the new hub in the heart of Sheung Wan, Wa-En Kappo is near to the major transport networks. It takes a few minutes to get there from Sai Ying Pun or Sheung Wan MTR station. Every diner at Wa-En Kappo will enjoy a 270-degree sea view of the famous Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong, while indulging in the unforgettable decadence of Kappo cuisine prepared by chef in action at the open kitchen. For additional privacy, Wa-En Kappo provides a VIP room allowing an intimate fine-dining experience with the iconic Victoria Harbour sea view as the backdrop.

位於上環全新商廈干諾中心的和緣Wa-En Kappo 誠意呈獻日式割烹料理,飽覽270度的無敵維港海景,引領饕客們展開一場絕無僅有的日式高級餐飲舌尖之旅。
和緣Wa-En Kappo 主打日式傳統割烹料理,為日本最傳統的調理方法,大廚透過開放式廚房向饕客展示料理舞台,從「割」- 切割食材、「烹」- 巧手烹製各式精緻料理,到根據四季的變化配合不同的擺設,嚐味之餘更能進一步延伸食材美味的真蹄。餐廳以和緣為命名來延伸日本精神,以和諧為基礎的前提下,除選用當造的高級日本及本地食材,更會做出破格配搭,孕育食材之間的無限可能性,傳遞極致和諧之美,藉此珍惜人與人之間的緣份,成就出難以忘懷的日式和食盛宴。
和緣Wa-En Kappo 以摩登日式設計,為首間進駐上環干諾中心的高級海景日本餐廳,坐落於交通主要幹道交匯處,由西營盤或上環站步行只需要5-6分鐘即可到達。客人可於開放式廚房一邊欣賞大廚主理的日式割烹料理,同時盡享270度的維港天際線海景,倍覺舒暢。另設有私人海景廂房,可給予客人更高的私隱度。